Tuesday, June 12, 2012

About Me.. A Slightly Embarrassing Editing Blooper

After I started my blog, Jen suggested that I put more information in my "About" section. Readers might like to know more about me. And strangers who made a "personal" connection would be more likely to come back & read more.

More about me? I like imagination.. & cheese!

I said I couldn't be bothered, adding that anyone who wanted to learn more about me need only read some posts. Wasn't that the whole point of having a blog? I've always been annoyed by "those people" who judge books by their covers, even as I acknowledge that we are all "those people"...

So, if only to humor Jen, I agreed to try to make my profile a little more personal. I opened the form & began editing. I had no idea what I wanted to say so I just started writing whatever came to mind. It was half brainstorming & half goof-balling, just exploring ideas...

"I'm a fun-loving, sun-loving, pun-loving Canadian chap, blogging about his adventures with his lady in Cancun, Mexico!"

Not quite what I was looking for, so I tried again:

"I am a nerd who should really be writing about robots & computers. But because you're here to read about travel & excitement, let's say I'm a fun-loving, sun-loving, pun-loving, Canadian chap, blogging about his adventures with his lady in Cancun, Mexico!"

Still not quite right, so I tried again. And again. And again.

I started to get a little frustrated with my muse, who seemed to be taking a coffee break.

"Hello? Muse? Where are you!?"

Fine, I thought, I'll write something stupid that might draw her attention...

"I am a demented gun-toting sicko wannabe pornstar freak, masquerading as fun-loving, sun-loving, pun-loving, Canadian chap, blogging about his adventures with his lady in Cancun, Mexico!"

And here's where the story gets interesting...

I left my window in edit mode, with no intention of publishing it, went out for a while. At least I thought I left it in edit mode. When I returned a few hours later, however, I was surprised (& mildly horrified) to find that it had been posted!


I quickly changed it back to the boring version you can see today, but if anyone else read it, I can assure you that it was just a joke, & that I am not a demented gun-toting sicko :)


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