Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diablo at the beach!

I took our puppy Diablo to the beach on Sunday... (sorry I don't have any action photos)

We walked through the Parque de las Palapas & along Tulum Avenue for a while, waiting for nature to call. Of course, thanks to Murphy's Law, it didn't.

Diablo & Mr. Murphy don't get along, esp. in the bathroom dept. (Did you read this post?)

So I was a bit worried that he'd pee (or worse) on the bus, but we got off at the first public beach (about a 10 minute ride) without incident.

Yep. It wasn't until we got to the beach that we had a little incident.

As we started walking toward the sand, we were approached by a security guard. Damn. I knew what he was saying and I knew playing Dumb Tourist wouldn't work. As every dumb tourist knows, Dumb Tourist works best when you've been caught doing something wrong. Better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission, right?

I politely protested that I had seen lots of other dogs on the beach. That argument didn't work, so I politely explained that I was leaving & politely took the flyer he offered, which explained why dogs aren't allowed on the beach (mostly a list of canine diseases). It's that 80-20 principle at work: the 20% of idiots (you know who you are, letting your pitbulls run around & not cleaning up after them) ruin it for the 80% of decent pets/people.

Aw well, I thought, what can you do?

Funny thing about that question is... I always seem to come up with an unconventional answer...

In this case, the answer was: We can walk along the road, access the beach at another location (Marina Chac Chi), & resume our original plan (having fun), while possibly flipping the bird in a westerly direction.

Call it plan B (for bird)...

And that's exactly what we did. And it went exactly according to plan, almost.

See, everything was going swimmingly (I think that adjective was invented for this exact situation). Diablo was swimming & tearing around in the sand & having a blast... until we were approached by a man in black & white from, you guessed it, a westerly direction.

He wasn't a cop. Just a toy cop: another security guard from the public beach, wandering along this stretch of beach (which was all but deserted) doing a great job of annoying people (me & D, & yes, he is a "person" too) while doing nothing to the improve public safety.

He said something in Spanish about reporting me to the police.

Naturally I did the sensible thing:

I politely explained that I was leaving, politely watched the guard disappear in the disance, politely played with D a little more, & politely wandered back toward the marina (Chac Chi), where some other people were playing with their dogs.

I told the others about the guard & his threat to call the police. The consensus was that:

a) there was no chance he would call anyone
b) there was no chance anyone would arrive even if he did call, and
c) there was no chance anyone would get in trouble even if anyone did arrive

So D & I stayed for another hour, playing, swimming, & smiling (and occasionally smirking).

All in all, another great day in Mexico!

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