Friday, November 16, 2012

Paletas: Amazing Mexican Popsicles!

Paletas - so good they'll make your vision blurry!

One of our favorite things in here is so-called Paletas -- Mexican ice pops! 

These popsicles are amazing, and Mexicans love them too. In fact, one city in Michoacan even raised a statue of a paleta at the entrance to the town!

I had managed to forget about paletas (they are verrrry addictive) until I came across a story in the LA Times about how they are becoming more popular with Latin Americans in the US, and who can blame them...

"Chock-full of chunks of fresh fruit and available in a hypnotizing array of colors and clear, not-too-sweet flavors -- conjure images of hot afternoons in the park, time spent on a bench under a shady tree, clear blue skies dotted with red, white and green balloons..."

Damn you LA Times!

Jen & I are going home for Christmas soon & won't be able to get any of these in Canada. 

Maybe we need to buy a cooler so we can bring some back with us :)

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